Aroma: Nice well balanced thick smoky atmosphere with a very delicious old red wine barrel woodsy scent plus this aged fine sourly note to it. First starting with a strong mix of charcoal and major notes of dried figs and a hint of raisins – Then intensely sweet like a fine thick handmade strawberry raspberry jam.
Taste: Unbelievably tasty! Such a well composed and with care and knowledge created profile – just amazing! Very sweet nutty like hazelnut creme plus a fine hint of chocolate. Sweet like thick sweet strawberry lemon syrup and cherry candies. You might also discover some kind of a fresh baked bread structure like a dark walnut bread. Within the later unfolding of those sweeter aspects it also shows a licorice touch to it. The roasted level is medium – very well balanced and placed like if it’s melting perfectly together with all those other mouth watering aspects. With the second steep those beery gum / jam aspects gaining more and more within their importance ~ Strawberry jam with a hint of bourbon vanilla. Later onward this fellow tend more and more into the confectionary bakery direction with sweet dark sugary note, sweet baked bread, vanilla bourbon nuances and a hint of caramel plus very creamy nutty again like hazelnut cream. Those berry aspect are the strongest within the second steeping. This fellow got a lot of strength and isn’t losing much for many infusions. A very warming chilling tea. Somehow it really sets you a view months into the future and gives you the cozy warming feel of Winter and Christmas

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I am a tea taster and tea-blog author from Vienna. Since my early Childhood days I was always drawn to East Asian culture especially China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. It wasn’t a thing I discovered because of my parents or my environment – it was a thing that started on its own and spread its antennas into nearly every direction what Asian culture could deliver.

I felt in love with their history, movies, Tv-Shows, food, Anime, Videogames, tea culture – nearly everything. 2009 was the first time I visited Japan – it was a feeling of finally being home. Since that time I developed such a passion for tea because tea combines so many aspects I love. Taking photos, writing, Asian culture, the connection to mother nature and its history, the love for craftsmanship (Teaware etc).

Within 2013 I started my teablog called ZeroZen(https://zeroteazen.wordpress.com/) – the first couple of years I only posted content in my mother language German. But within 2016 I discovered Instagram for myself and found the perfect medium for my artistic output which is now completely and exclusive in English ^___~





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