Following 24 Tea Drinkers

Cody 57 followers

I’m fanatic about all things tea-related. Lately, I’ve been fascinated with W...

boychik 442 followers

I’ve stopped rating teas long time ago. Couldn’t be happier ;D Puaddict flir...

Sammerz314 48 followers

Hello! My name is Samuel and I’ve been interested in the world of teas for ab...

JC 222 followers

I’ve been drinking tea for about 8-10 years now, but Puerh for about 7-8 year...

DigniTea 174 followers

I drink mostly puer and sometimes what we as Westerners think of as black tea...

TeaExplorer 152 followers

Joined December 2013 Updated February 2016 Latest News: I brought my cupboard...



I’ve been drinking Chinese tea since the early 90s when I was a student at Peking University.
My attention has focused on pu’ers, since by profession I’m a doctor of Chinese medicine and sometimes find it a useful lifestyle addition.
From there, I started importing, mostly for patients and other health professionals but also as an interesting hobby that can deepen individuals’ understanding of Chinese medicine.


Los Angeles

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