The best way to size up a tea, in my opinion, is to compare it directly to other teas in its category. Conveniently, I just had a can of AriZona Southern Style Sweet Tea last night, its taste relatively fresh on my brain—and tongue. The challenger? Gold Peak’s own Iced Sweet Tea.
They carry this at my local Pacific Theaters, and the first time I had it I hardly even noticed it was there… Next to the huge soda fountain machines by the concession stands, Gold Peak’s iced tea canisters are unassuming by comparison, timid in its plea to thirsty passersby. Fortunate, then, is he who takes the risk of trying something other than Coca Cola or—heaven forbid—Brisk Raspberry Iced Tea.
This sweet tea just feels lighter while you’re drinking it. Measured against the AriZona variety, it definitely tastes cleaner and more pure. The best way I can describe it is by comparing juice to water. AriZona’s sweet tea drink would be the former, thicker in substance and taste alike. Gold Peak’s version, on the other hand, would be the latter: thinner in substance and taste, less filler and more of what matters… tea.
Fortunate is the man who dares try the iced sweet tea in the unsuspecting canister. Fortunate is he who thereby benefits from ZERO high fructose corn syrup in said sweet tea compared to the AriZona alternative. Fortunate is he for this tea.