drank Fleur de Geisha by Palais des Thés
24 tasting notes

I bought this tea a couple of hours ago. I was on my way to the apartment when I passed the Le Palais des Thés on Hedgehaugveien in Oslo. I haven’t been there for a couple of month, but it is a nice little shop with a several mix of Le Palais des Thés products and tastes. Today it was Fleur de Geisha that caught me. The intense scent of cherry, reminded me so much of my own childhood and the nordic summers that I couldn’t resist buying it. When I got home I made myself a cup, excited to try it. While the water got heated I took a long breath to really feel the scent flying through me. Still it was the cherry that caught me and something else, a grassy after-scent which was strong and a bit bittersweet.

This time I took two teaspones and let it steep for 3,5 minutes in 90 degrees. On the package it says 70 C, but I always try it almost boiled the first time, especially during winter when it’s cold outside. Even if I steeped it warmer than they recommend the cherry flavour is sharp and dominante. I love the intensity in this tea and for someone that loves cherry I think this one is worth a try.
After the first try I like it. It’s not in the top 20, but still really good and tasty. Looking forward to try it again.

Flavors: Fruit Tree Flowers

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 45 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 300 ML

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Tea is a very special drink for me. It’s a drink that brings interesting conversations with beloved friends and special moments that you just can’t forget. Tea is also special because it’s the drink which me and my friend are sharing and give each other as a gift when we’re not together. Just for experience new tastes from allover the world, to experiment with different dishes and to make new memories and special times to remember to share and tell each other in letters, email or when together again.

On Steepster I will discuss the taste, the scent the mix between tea and food and sometimes some anecdote how I found it. I really loved to get recommendation to experience more in the tea-world.

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