1 Tasting Note


The coconut chips & almond chips caught my eye when I was walking around a Teavana store. The employee fanned the aroma of this tea at me & I just about died & went to heaven. This is my top favorite tea at the moment. The first sips were coconuty & almondy…oh so cozy. Then the finishing notes were just the right amount of spice with ginger being the more predominant flavor, with cinnamon & cardomom. It really warms you up on a chilly night & I’m not sure if this tea is favored as a sleep tea – but I get sleepy immediately…even took a nap in the afternoon today after a cup of this stuff (and I very rarely nap, period!) I prepare this tea using my Teavana Perfect Tea Maker.

6 min, 0 sec

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Cleveland, OH

