

As the product of a very traditional English grandmother, I was taught from a young age to ALWAYS brew tea (only ever black) in a pot, drink from a fine china cup, (never a mug), & pour the milk in first…
Like most young people, I didn’t realise what I had at home, so I went off to conquer the world. It didn’t all work as planned, but on that journey, I found a new me – a less driven, softer & more socially aware me. One that doesn’t drink coffee on-the-go, but takes time to savour a good cup of tea. Maybe not always brewed in a pot (sorry nana!), but DEFINITELY out of a fine china cup!

NOTE – In the interests of full disclosure, my new tea obsession has led me to buy lots of samples & mixed packs in order to find out what I like. (Hence my tea cupboard is full to overflowing!) I’m trying the better known brands first & looking forward to broadening my horizons.
My plan is to reacquaint myself with the black teas of my youth, and go on a whole new tea adventure with greens, whites, oolong, pu’erh, florals & herbals.

What I have discovered so far:

Smoky blacks
Masala chai
Rose scented (but not flavouring)
Cold water infusions (great in the Aussie heat!)

Most black teas without milk
Most of the green teas I’ve tried (trying different types to overcome this!)
Earl Grey (although I’m revisiting this)
Straight camomile tea (Blech!)

Favourite Tea Companies:
Madura Australia
Tamborine Tea Australia
Tea Tonic Australia

Tea Rating Scale:
90-100: Outstanding! One of my favourites, will always be on hand.
80-89: Great! Will likely be in my tea stock.
70-79: Good – I’ll buy it occasionally for a change or until I find something I like better.
50-69: Meh… It’s not for me…
26-49: Blech! I struggled to finish it.
00-25: So awful, I spat it out!


Country NSW Australia

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