(This was a free sample generously provided to me by Teavivre. Thank you kindly Angel and the whole Teavivre Team)
Dry Leaf: Has a hay or even a malt like smell.
Wet Leaf: Has a vegetal smell think green bean like with a slight sweetness to it.
Liquor: Has a pale yellowish color and good clarity.
Taste: This tea has a light refreshing hay or even grain like taste. There is a very slight dryness to it. Along with a slight sweet note I pick up.
My Score/ Over All Opinion: 90, This is my first white tea that was not produced in a bottle by Lipton or even Snapple. I found it very enjoyable and glad I have 50 grams coming to me from my recent order I placed. I had to give it this score since I lack experience with white tea and it felt like quality in my humble opinion.