T-Tox is aimed at the health and wellness market and holds a belief that tea is an ideal way to reap the benefits of herbs. Couldn’t agree more. I like this brand already! Yoga Tea is an infusion of white tea, lemon grass, ginger, rose petals and nettles, formulated to stimulate and provide energy. Although the tasting notes suggest this is a light and subtle tea, I found the ginger and lemongrass to provide punchy notes, helping me to feel fully revitalised.
I enjoyed this: As a Sunday pick me up. Sunday is my lazy day. I avoid doing anything that means I have to leave the house. This blend helped to perk me up, giving me a little extra energy and motivation.
A review from: www.TastetheTea.co.uk
Flavors: Citrus, Floral, Ginger, Lemon, Lemongrass