drank Earl Greyer by The Republic of Tea
262 tasting notes

I see that the tasting notes for this selection include a mix of tea bag and loose leaf reviews. Let me specify that my tasting note is for the loose leaf version of Earl Greyer tea. I feel that is important to note because I’ve tried both the bagged and loose leaf versions of other Republic of Tea products, and I’ve found the taste to differ significantly.

I steeped ol’ Earl Greyer for five minutes at 212 degrees. This resulted in a brownish orange brew.

When I first opened the can and scooped the chopped leaves into my infuser basket, I thought I was in store for one of the strongest bergamot teas that I’ve encountered to date. The unsteeped citrus aroma was very potent and fragrant.

After brewing, I was surprised and disappointed to experience a less than colossal bergamot presence. The bergamot flavor is there and it’s smooth, but the citrus taste is overpowered by the black tea flavor.

The black tea taste is fine. There is also a little maltiness thrown in. There is no bitterness or astringent aftertaste. I guess I have just come to expect more from Earl Grey teas after some of the supercharged varieties that I’ve tried. (For example, if you desire a mighty Earl Grey tea with intense bergamot flavor that will stay with you throughout your day, I highly recommend Rishi Organic Earl Grey Black Tea: http://www.amazon.com/Rishi-Tea-Organic-Black-3-3-Ounce/dp/B001E5E20O/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1333545907&sr=8-1.)

If you like the citrus flavor to hang in the background of your Earl Grey tea, this selection will more than fit the bill. But, if you prefer bergamot on steroids, you (like me) may find yourself asking, “Is that all there is?”

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

so the bagged is stronger? which do you like better?


Hi yssan!

Overall, I like the loose leaf tea better. The flavor is more robust and full. However, the Earl Grey taste is more prominent in the tea bag version. I’m not sure why that is. Maybe the flavor of bergamot is harder to squash than the tea flavor when ground up into a bag? You may want to do a taste comparison yourself. Thanks for your comment!

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so the bagged is stronger? which do you like better?


Hi yssan!

Overall, I like the loose leaf tea better. The flavor is more robust and full. However, the Earl Grey taste is more prominent in the tea bag version. I’m not sure why that is. Maybe the flavor of bergamot is harder to squash than the tea flavor when ground up into a bag? You may want to do a taste comparison yourself. Thanks for your comment!

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I ventured into the world of serious tea drinking in the Summer of 2011. I started out slowly and gently with bagged tea but climbed to the incredible flavorful heights of loose leaf teas in October of that year. Once you go leaf, you never go bag (except when you get free samples)!


South Carolina, USA

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