When I lived in Northern China, there was a green tea from Lao Shan (Mt.) that I just loved.I was sad to come back to the States knowing I wouldn’t be able to get my hands on Lao Shan anytime soon. But then, my local tea shop had Rishi’s kukicha, and I was so excited!
This tea is rich and beany, while still being sweet. It’s not murkily sea-weedy, nor is it astringent. True, it does not have the depth or complexity I found in my favorite Chinese green tea, but it certainly filled that gap in my cupboard!
Now I’ve found Lao Shan elsewhere (Verdant Tea, for one) I do not know if I will be re-stocking this anytime soon. It is pricier for something that’s not as complex, but if I ever see this at a tea shop? I will definitely get this as my default green tea.
Great hot, also delicious iced. Nice in a big pot or in a gaiwan or just floating in a glass.
Nice, idiot proof green, that offers so much more bean and butter and yumminess than other greens widely available.