drank Soba Cha Deep Roast by Steepster
17 tasting notes

Upon initial opening of the package I thought “Hmm… This doesn’t smell like it’s going to be that great.” But WOW after steeping it, it smelled so good! It smelled AND tasted exactly like a Thai sticky rice ball dessert soup! I didn’t add any sugar or sweetener, yet the intense sweetness of the tea was more than enough to make it taste like the That dessert. This tea also showed hints of homemade soy milk and brown sugar. Great tea! I’d love to have it in my herbal tea collection!

Second steeping was MUCH lighter in color and flavor, however I still very much enjoyed it!

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I am a musician from L.A., currently attending school at the Eastman School of Music BM ’15 in Rochester, NY for Jazz and Contemporary Music, Trumpet. I write a lot of music and want to pursue a compositional career in possibly film composing.

Aside from music, I love tea! I’ve never been very affected by caffein (runs in the family) and drinking coffee actually makes me tired. So about a year ago, I got very interested in drinking tea, since the caffein in tea tends to make me more alert and fresh rather than tired, not to mention the health benefits. And that got me started in a journey to discover different teas and find the best and most interesting tasting ones I could find. Of course there are MANY great tasting teas so that naturally means to try MANY different teas. And so I find myself here at Steepster discovering so many teas and reading a ton of awesome people’s awesome reviews and suggestions. This place is great and I can’t wait to find out where this journey of discovering teas takes me years down the road!


Rochester, NY

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