On the eleventh day of Christmas, 52 Teas gave to me…Butterbeer!
I used to be a big Harry Potter fan. Not so much in recent years, but enough that I’ve always wanted to try Butterbeer. Now, I’ve got my chance.
The dry leaves smell amazing. Really strongly buttery with a depth to it more like caramel, toffee, or maybe butterscotch. The scent reminds me a bit of werther’s originals. It’s pleasant (in small doses), but I can imagine it becoming a little sticky and cloying. I’m hoping the brewed tea won’t taste too much like that.
I let it brew for about three minutes, and I’m relieved to discover that it’s no longer overpoweringly sweet smelling. Some of the other flavours have started to develop, and now the scent reminds me more of a caramel rooibos (specifically Teapigs Rooibos Creme Caramel). Slightly earthy (maybe the chicory?), but still with a distinct butterscotch note.
To taste, this is divine. If this is what Butterbeer tastes like, then no wonder Harry and his cohorts drank so much of the stuff. It’s creamy, caramel-ly, buttery deliciousness. Thankfully not overpowering, as it could so easily have been.It’s the perfect, perfect dessert tea. Drinking this on Christmas Eve, I feel warm, cosy, and homey. A great end to a great day. Thank you, Frank!