Following 28 Tea Drinkers

Liquid Proust 642 followers

Tea Enthusiast / Tea Drunk . . To...

Blodeuyn 144 followers

Web developer, video game lover, artist. I’m enjoying my tea journey and lear...

Lariel of Lórien 230 followers

After many years of drinking coffee, I’ve recently become a tea convert. Fave...

carol who 172 followers

Retired first grade teacher. I tend to like dessert type/herbal teas as a su...

Marzipan 292 followers

Mom of two practically grown girls, extremely happily married to a man who is...

Roswell Strange 615 followers

Hello! My name is Kelly, though many people in the tea community call me Ros ...

Grill 94 followers

Well I figure I should fill this out beyond a joke about picking the pu out o...

9 Thousand Things 27 followers

“You should know this is not a natural sickness. But that shouldn’t stop you...



I am a 45 y/o single mom of almost 14 y/o twins living at the edge of the earth in NW New Mexico. My children are my favorite people in the world, and are also my partners in geeky crime.

I love paper, pens (fountain pens usually), ink,books, bourbon, autumn, and coconut cream pie. I’m also quite fond of tea AND coffee.

I am a tarot reader by trade and also work as a 2nd grade teacher.

My super powers are enabling and sarcasm. :)


Grants, New Mexico

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