drank Refresh by Pukka
93 tasting notes

Hey Steeps!

I am not the biggest Pukka-fan at the moment… Maybe I lost the gift of tasting.
Why? Because ALL their (Pukkas) tea taste like bitter liqourice or hibiscus. I loved this tea half a year ago, but now It’s like:


Let me explain. The tea smell like herbs, with a fresh and “bitter” note. When the bag is steeped the bag leeks out a red color, that slowly colors the tea red brown. Taking a sip reveal a sweet bitter tea with a spicy end. Is this minty? I don’t know. Or rather – I can’t taste the “mint.” It taste more liqouricelike than minty if you ask me.
Is there something wrong with me? Did a scorching warm tea a month ago burn of some of my tongue? It’s a mystery.

… But I’ll give it a good rate. In the beginning, this was one of my faves from this company. I think the first impression is the one that count when it some to tea. Everyone changes slowly, but the taste of tea dosn’t.

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Many things can be said about me, but I rather not go into details… Other than the facts that: Yes, I am from Greenland (Yeah, it’s totaly awesome!) and I love my books, cats and tea.

I love all kinds of tea, but must confess a greater love towards the Da Hong Pao and a deep hatred for Ceylon and Pickwick. (Yes, I am aware that Ceylon is area). Sorry, It’s not them, it’s me.
Other than that I love the greens, the whites and the blacks (and all of the things in the middle) evenly.

Rating system – I love the smileyrate here on steepster, so I’ll just follow that. That’s 1 point for the worst tea in the history of man, and 100 point for some of the best tea… note that I usually rate high because I am a optimist and love all things tea.

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me.”
~ C. S. Lewis


Nuuk, Greenland

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