This morning was the first morning I had to scrape ice off of my car and I was incredibly cranky about it. I’m not ready to be cold all the time and plus my good ice scraper is who knows where. I was late to work, I forgot a bunch of stuff, and my throat is starting to hurt. Basically, this morning has been garbage. This was the tea I knew I needed to have this morning to deal with that. This is my favorite comforting tea by a mile. It’s got a ton of stuff in it and it’s all balanced. The mint isn’t terribly strong but I feel like it soothes my throat. I don’t know if chamomile is actually calming or if it’s just a placebo effect, but I’ll take it. I also like that it’s got green and white teas in it so it’s not particularly caffeinated; when I’m in the mood for a ton of it the last thing I usually need is a lot of caffeine.
Also, I really like the tin. For some reason the lady with the shell hat and her big pet lobster make me feel less insanely grumpy.