Following 53 Tea Drinkers

Daddyselephant 311 followers

Formerly aisling of tea, now you can call me ele . “You can forgive a murder,...

Dorothy 129 followers

Feel free to add me on Steepster, I’ll probably add you back. :) I don’t log ...

DAVIDsTEA 827 followers

Welcome to our Steepster page, where we post sneak peeks, reviews and tasting...

Uniquity 553 followers

I’ve been drinking loose tea since 2010 and my tastes have changed a lot over...

Butiki Teas 582 followers

My taste for tea started at an early age. As a child, I would frequently enj...

Dinosara 490 followers

I am tea obsessed, with the stash to match. I tend to really enjoy green oolo...

David Duckler 257 followers

I fell in love with tea while doing work on classical Chinese language in Chi...

Daisy Chubb 432 followers

29/f/CAN My favourite tea companies are DavidsTea and Verdant Tea. They pleas...

MaddHatter 88 followers

I love to read and what goes better with reading than a hot cup of tea on rai...

politicalmachine 30 followers

Stopped drinking water, switched to tea. =) (ok, this is a lie but still :) )...



Mmmm. Tea. I have become a believer.

I like oolongs and greens, and dark smoky flavours. And Earl Greys. All the Earl Greys. I have bent my nerd powers to learning as much as I can about tea and tea culture. I have started to ramble about tea.

Tea. Mmmm.



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