This snowy morning, I decided to try yet another one of my ATR samples, Coco Loco. Upon opening the package, I smell almost a rich, vanilla-ish scent of baking cookie dough. It’s sweet, but deep, too.
I used the Breville at 200 degrees for 5 minutes.
Wow! It smells wonderful! Like fresh baked chocolate chip cookies with coconut, but not that overly sweet smell. The taste is really unique. I can taste chocolate and a slight bit of coconut. I don’t taste pepper at all, but there is a slight spiciness to it that is pleasant and piques my interest. It has an earthy, sweetish finish to it. It’s really good. I’ve never tried pu-er before and I’m guessing that this is what is creating the grounding effect and prevents it from going over the top, even thought it’s a mixture of other tea, too. It’s lovely!