Well put, I was wondering what happened to me. First few steeps went poorly, honestly it took chilling the leftovers after a very long 3rd steep overnight to appreciate this one. I’ll have to put up a full review.
Well put, I was wondering what happened to me. First few steeps went poorly, honestly it took chilling the leftovers after a very long 3rd steep overnight to appreciate this one. I’ll have to put up a full review.
Author of books PRECIOUS & COLORBLIND (Bloomsbury 2011) Yoga lover. Former Elle Contributing Editor.Charity supporter. Inclined to take the road less travelled. In love with Silver Needle and Jasmine Pearls.
Well put, I was wondering what happened to me. First few steeps went poorly, honestly it took chilling the leftovers after a very long 3rd steep overnight to appreciate this one. I’ll have to put up a full review.