So I’ve been stocking up nutty and spicy teas for the fall and winter like some sort of caffeine-hungry squirrel. I haven’t ordered from Adagio in a dog’s age, having grown to prefer other companies more, but I do like their hazelnut tea. Figured I’d pick up a couple samples too, and this was one of them.
…it’s not as bad as I thought, from the reviews. It’s nowhere near as good as other gingerbread teas I’ve have, but it’s alright. The thing I learned early on about Adagio’s teas is that you shouldn’t ever steep them over four minutes, or they’re disgustingly bitter. A four minute steep and a teaspoon of sugar got me a mild, cookielike cup of tea. It tastes a little bit like a graham cracker; maybe I’ll add honey next time.
It’s an okay tea, but if I really want a gingerbread tea there’s better options. S&V’s comes to mind most immediately.