This is officially my first tea to be rated 100. It is, in my opinion flawless… The only issue I have related to it is that it isn’t in stock. I vaguely remember reading somewhere that Frank is willing to revive a tea if you order a pound of it. Is this true? If is, well Frank, I think I need a pound of this! I am in love with it! I saw that it had been revived and for sale on, so I couldn’t resist ordering it to try. It is by far the best dessert tea I have ever tried, and believe me, I have tried a whole lot of them.
The dry leaves are black and accompanied by the occasional huge luscious looking blueberry. The tea leaves are large and beautifully unbroken. The scent is… majestically scrumptious, temptingly delicious, absolutely indulgent… A think scent of blueberries is surrounded by a heavy sweet pastry scent. It is the supermodel of all blueberry tea scents.
Once brewed the tea keeps most of its scent and the blueberry will invade an entire house. My brother actually woke up and wandered down to the kitchen to ask what I was making that smelled so much like blueberry. He was shocked when I told him it was tea! We don’t have blueberries in Ecuador, so anything blueberry flavored is a great and rare treat for me!
The taste is amazing. It tastes like a blueberry danish. Heavy on the blueberry, just the way I like it. The flavor is so smooth that there is no need for any additives. I added sweetener just out of curiosity and I barely even noticed it was there. This is one of the rare teas that taste sweetened without actually being sweet. It is, in my opinion, the sign of a truly well made dessert tea.
I am so happy I have found you blueberry danish tea! Where have you been all of my life? Frank, I have to say that this actually managed to beat the tastiness of your pancake tea (which is super super tasty!)
Everyone who likes blueberry HAS to try this. You have no idea what you are missing!
Nina, glad to see you back….hope all is well. :)) Blueberries are one of my favorite fruits, and one of my favorite flavored teas (I don’t drink that many flavored teas). I had a good blueberry tea quite a few years ago, with a Ceylon based black tea. Can you taste the black tea well enough? Even though I love blueberries, I don’t like the flavor to overpower the tea itself.
Thanks ScottTeaMan! All is good, just was very busy at work the past few weeks… The tea does shine through. It is a well thought out blend. The astringency and suttle elegance of the black tea shows up at the end of every sip.
I am definitely ordering a pound of this, so I am willing to swap a bit of it. :)
Happy 100th note!
Yay! Go you!
Ooops… I meant it was my first 100 rating! 3 to go till 100th tasting note! : )
AHHHH!! I want this soooo bad!! If you buy a pound of it, think we could do a swap?
CHAroma I will let you know! I would gladly swap some with you! : )
Nina, glad to see you back….hope all is well. :)) Blueberries are one of my favorite fruits, and one of my favorite flavored teas (I don’t drink that many flavored teas). I had a good blueberry tea quite a few years ago, with a Ceylon based black tea. Can you taste the black tea well enough? Even though I love blueberries, I don’t like the flavor to overpower the tea itself.
Thanks ScottTeaMan! All is good, just was very busy at work the past few weeks… The tea does shine through. It is a well thought out blend. The astringency and suttle elegance of the black tea shows up at the end of every sip.
I am definitely ordering a pound of this, so I am willing to swap a bit of it. :)
Hey I just thought I’d let you know that I’m selling two unopened pouches of this tea on eBay in case you still want it.