This is a fairly interesting tea, definitely the most interesting green tea I have had to date, though not my favorite. It has a looming scent and flavor not dissimilar from what, for the sake of tact, I will call Spruce. Alright, tact aside, cat pee. But it’s not terrible, it’s mostly a scent, just don’t overbrew it and it brings out interesting notes. There is definitely a creaminess, and a garden fresh green flavor, and a cinnamon note, and floral like jasmine. Al of these things combine to bring interesting flavors that I have never found present together in other teas. Overall I recommend it, though I recommend trying a small portion before you invest in 100 grams or anything.
195 °F / 90 °C
0 min, 15 sec
4 tsp
12 OZ / 354 ML