If I had to choose a favorite between the SBT Lime Cola and the SBT Pink Lemonade, I’d have a difficult time choosing … and I think that the lime cola would win out only narrowly because the Lime cola works well as first a cold-brewed tea, and then I can resteep (hot-brew) the pouch for a second half-gallon of tea. Unfortunately, I wasn’t very successful with the cold-brew of the Pink Lemonade, and so I have to hot brew the pouch, and the second infusion of the hot brew … just isn’t flavorful enough for me to go through the effort. HOWEVER … the Pink Lemonade is so tasty that it’s actually worth it to me to buy the pouch for just one half-gallon of tea.
So … perhaps taste wise, the Pink Lemonade wins out over the Lime Cola. But value wise, the Lime Cola wins.
This is really, really, really good. I love all the flavors in this and I can taste them all: the lemon, the raspberry, and the sweet cotton candy notes. This tastes like a trip to the county fair. It’s sweet, tart, tangy and just plain YUM!
A really spectacular iced tea. Amazingly good.