Following other people’s suggestions, I tried adding agave nectar to my cup this morning and while I found that it did give the tea an interesting kettle-corn flavour it didn’t do much for the astringency of the tea base. It’s a nice idea but I’m afraid I still don’t care much for this blend.
A lot of our customers seem to have better luck with water that is under boiling and short (2.5-3) minute steep times. That might help with the astringency.
Yes, I’ve recently made this discovery… I use 200°F and just 2.5 minutes brew time for 52Teas black teas. After my first tasting of the cranberry black tea from 52Teas, I decided to try lowering the temperature as well as the steep time, and the flavor was divine. The astringency was much less apparent, and no bitterness to the black tea base.
A lot of our customers seem to have better luck with water that is under boiling and short (2.5-3) minute steep times. That might help with the astringency.
Yes, I’ve recently made this discovery… I use 200°F and just 2.5 minutes brew time for 52Teas black teas. After my first tasting of the cranberry black tea from 52Teas, I decided to try lowering the temperature as well as the steep time, and the flavor was divine. The astringency was much less apparent, and no bitterness to the black tea base.
Thanks for the advice guys, but unfortunately I just had a little sample pack (left-over from the 12 Days of X-mas sampler) and that was the last of it. I’ll keep that in mind though with other teas. :)