Following 24 Tea Drinkers

mrmopar 777 followers

Pureleaf 340 followers

I’m a southern boy that that continues to have an intense love for high quali...

Roughage 164 followers

I am a qualified peripatetic berserkerologist peddling berserkjaknowledge at ...

Dr Jim 276 followers

Retired engineer/physicist. My ratings will usually be based on multiple tast...

TastyBrew 197 followers

I love tea. And I love beer. I spent my twenties thoroughly enjoying all that...

looseTman 199 followers

My wife and I enjoy shou that: - is Full-bodied, thick, rich, creamy smooth -...

yyz 312 followers

NofarS 75 followers

An Israeli computer programmer with a passion for tea (mostly bought in yearl...

JC 222 followers

I’ve been drinking tea for about 8-10 years now, but Puerh for about 7-8 year...

Doug F 113 followers

I love tea and living in a place that is cold or cool nine months of the year...



I drink mostly puer and sometimes what we as Westerners think of as black tea.

I no longer assign numerical ratings to teas because our enjoyment of tea is very subjective. Reactions to a particular tea vary from person to person and within the same person across different tasting sessions.

My tea notes are simply comments reflecting my impression at that specific point in time. They are helpful to me and if they happen to be useful to someone else that is good.

For me, tea is magical with its ability to transform by bringing one back to center and inspiring both peace and contentment.
Reformed coffee drinker. Switched to tea as part of my goal to work on living a healthier, more balanced life — haven’t looked back since.

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