Ah this is nice.
Had a late meeting at work so my usual routine got a bit delayed, came home much to late from the gym for a cup of yunnan black. I thought this might be a good time for some low caffeine white tea.
And in the back in the cupboard i found my tin of Arya Pearl. the dry leaf is wonderfully green and whole. 8g filled up my large banko pot… ^^
Only doing one infusion, seems maybe like a waste since this the is very nice. Light in the extreme but still a complex mix of of flavour. Flowery exotic fruits with a tiny hint of butter. This tea gives of a warming cozy sensation. Perfect evening tea.
Drinking this tea reminds me that all the darjeeling first flush teas is out and ready for purchase! I smell a packet from India coming my way soon…. :)
Flavors: Butter, Flowers, Peach