drank Tropical Green by Harney & Sons
865 tasting notes

Ok.. I’m logging this here even though I question if it’s right or not. Ricky and Carolyn will like this one cuz we’ve had convos about pineapple greens. Mom and my aunt had to go to the mall for work so I went w/ to get out of the house. I’m not the type that likes to do things alone, but I went anyway. Stopped at Cold Stone Creamery (yes in Jan. in winter lol- I wish I could turn my cravings off in the winter!) and of course was freezing after I was done eating so I went right next door to Gloria Jean’s. I originally went for coffee because I know they have K cups and while I will have prebagged tea if I must, I will probably never touch a K cup for tea or coffee. But I walked in and saw a container of bagged tea on the counter so I decided to go for it. They have H&S! This is one brand I haven’t had before. I was actually surprised at their selection. They had 3 herbals and a few blacks… but for someone who doesn’t drink either willingly, I only had 2 choices. Japanese sencha or this. Or at least it must have been this. I could swear It just said pineapple green… but I can’t find it here or on their website. Am I losing it? Anyway… My experience w/ the tea I had, whether this or another name…

Ok.. I’m logging this here even though I question if it’s right or not. Ricky and Carolyn will like this one cuz we’ve had convos about pineapple greens. Mom and my aunt had to go to the mall for work so I went w/ to get out of the house. I’m not the type that likes to do things alone, but I went anyway. Stopped at Cold Stone Creamery (yes in Jan. in winter lol- I wish I could turn my cravings off in the winter!) and of course was freezing after I was done eating so I went right next door to Gloria Jean’s. I originally went for coffee because I know they have K cups and while I will have prebagged tea if I must, I will probably never touch a K cup for tea or coffee. But I walked in and saw a container of bagged tea on the counter so I decided to go for it. They have H&S! This is one brand I haven’t had before. I was actually surprised at their selection. They had 3 herbals and a few blacks… but for someone who doesn’t drink either willingly, I only had 2 choices. Japanese sencha or this. Or at least it must have been this. I could swear It just said pineapple green… but I can’t find it here or on their website. Am I losing it? Anyway… My experience w/ the tea I had, whether this or another name…Parameters: 3 bags of an unknown weight in 20oz water of an unknown temp steeped ~3min (I kept track of it on my cell phone).

Ok.. I’m logging this here even though I question if it’s right or not. Ricky and Carolyn will like this one cuz we’ve had convos about pineapple greens. Mom and my aunt had to go to the mall for work so I went w/ to get out of the house. I’m not the type that likes to do things alone, but I went anyway. Stopped at Cold Stone Creamery (yes in Jan. in winter lol- I wish I could turn my cravings off in the winter!) and of course was freezing after I was done eating so I went right next door to Gloria Jean’s. I originally went for coffee because I know they have K cups and while I will have prebagged tea if I must, I will probably never touch a K cup for tea or coffee. But I walked in and saw a container of bagged tea on the counter so I decided to go for it. They have H&S! This is one brand I haven’t had before. I was actually surprised at their selection. They had 3 herbals and a few blacks… but for someone who doesn’t drink either willingly, I only had 2 choices. Japanese sencha or this. Or at least it must have been this. I could swear It just said pineapple green… but I can’t find it here or on their website. Am I losing it? Anyway… My experience w/ the tea I had, whether this or another name…Parameters: 3 bags of an unknown weight in 20oz water of an unknown temp steeped ~3min (I kept track of it on my cell phone).Smells good. Like a typical light green tea. Fruity, but not sweet. Liquor is also a light, slightly yellowish, green.

Ok.. I’m logging this here even though I question if it’s right or not. Ricky and Carolyn will like this one cuz we’ve had convos about pineapple greens. Mom and my aunt had to go to the mall for work so I went w/ to get out of the house. I’m not the type that likes to do things alone, but I went anyway. Stopped at Cold Stone Creamery (yes in Jan. in winter lol- I wish I could turn my cravings off in the winter!) and of course was freezing after I was done eating so I went right next door to Gloria Jean’s. I originally went for coffee because I know they have K cups and while I will have prebagged tea if I must, I will probably never touch a K cup for tea or coffee. But I walked in and saw a container of bagged tea on the counter so I decided to go for it. They have H&S! This is one brand I haven’t had before. I was actually surprised at their selection. They had 3 herbals and a few blacks… but for someone who doesn’t drink either willingly, I only had 2 choices. Japanese sencha or this. Or at least it must have been this. I could swear It just said pineapple green… but I can’t find it here or on their website. Am I losing it? Anyway… My experience w/ the tea I had, whether this or another name…Parameters: 3 bags of an unknown weight in 20oz water of an unknown temp steeped ~3min (I kept track of it on my cell phone).Smells good. Like a typical light green tea. Fruity, but not sweet. Liquor is also a light, slightly yellowish, green.Tastes like it smells. I can definitely taste the pineapple. It’s like fresh pineapple, not canned. There’s a difference? Yes. If it was orange I could say it was like orange zest instead of orange juice. While sweet, it’s also ever so slightly crisp and bitter. I get to the last couple inches and I am suddenly very queasy. I have to breathe very slowly just to prevent myself from throwing up. I’m definitely not letting that dock the rating though. I’m contributing it soley to the fact that I’d just had a HUGE scoop of ice cream (chocolate covered strawberry w/ raspberries mixed in), the fact that 20oz is a lot and I probably drank it too fast, and the fact that I resteap so much I’m sure my body just isn’t used to the caffeine, L-theannine, and tannin content of 3 1st infusions at once. I save the last bit and when I finish it off a half hr later it’s cold- and still very wonderful. And made even more awesome by coming home to be reminded the SSI for today is a H&S item! I’d completely forgotten.

3 min, 0 sec
Show 19 previous comments...
Cofftea 15 years ago

What the heck is wrong w/ my tasting note? I got to edit it and it’s not screwed up…

Ricky 15 years ago

Why that’s one mighty long repeating note =D

Ohh, I might need to add this one to my shopping list for the next time I make a Harney order.

Cofftea 15 years ago

Now THIS qualifies for an “utterly annoying tasting note”! But what’s most annoying is it’s NOT my fault! I swear!

fcmonroe 15 years ago

How did you manage to do that? It’s the kind of thing that I would do!

Cofftea 15 years ago

Haha! I have no clue, when I go to my tealog and click the “edit” button it’s perfect and repeat free!

Robert Godden 15 years ago

Hmmm, where to start, my friend?
Props for risking the appalling weather for a cup of tea. It’s probably the only sane reason to go out in the cold (It’s 29 degrees Celsius and quite beautiful here, by the way :) )
Myself, when given a choice between Japanese Sencha and anything else, I would also have chosen ‘anything else". Even though I’m allergic to pineapple.
I never generalise, except to say “I have never enjoyed any tea ever made in The Republic of Japan throughout it’s long and colourful history and I find it difficult to believe I ever would”. Could just be me, I suppose.
I think the icecream sounds great, but the combination may have caused your nausea. Also, having just worked out what 20oz is in metric, I have come to the conclusion that it’s a lot.
I find that whenever anyone uses a pineapple flavour, they often enhance it with coconut oils. I wonder if that is the case with this one?
Lastly, unlike certain others on the forum, I love it when people add backstory and context to their tasting notes. Very entertaining read.

Cofftea 15 years ago

Robert, ditto- where to start. Thank you for muddling thru this to not only read, but understand and comment! lol I have no clue what’s going on. What bad weather? It was 40 degrees F and sunny today. Wind chills can get 40 F. W/ the stash I have @ home, I definitely wouldn’t need to brave weather to get tea or even choose to go out in great weather lol. But I was there and needed something to warm myself, and decided not to go w/ coffee (which I also adore). Actually going w/ coffee probably would have made more sense because I can’t make a good specialty coffee beverage at home, but I can make wonderful loose leaf tea at home… and my choices would me MUCH more vast than I had today. I personally love Japanese greens. The only 2 that I’ve tried and not liked have been Gen mai cha and Houjicha. Infact Japanese greens are my favorite greens. I wish matcha had enough nutrition to sustain me! So it is just you. Kidding! I feel the same about non chai blacks as you do about Japanese greens. Just not my cuppa. But that’s ok, I’ll gladly drink your share of matcha. 20oz isn’t a lot in the scope of a day by far I can drink 3x that in a day… but in a few min, yes that is. I do not like coconut. I feel about coconut the same way you do about pineapple (although I’m not allergic). I chose this because I could have sworn it said “pineapple green”. If I had thought/known it said “tropical” I would have immediately gone w/ Japanese sencha… although I didn’t have my parameters sheet so I have no clue how that would have turned out. I just used the “all greens are created equal, steep them 3 mins” theory that I absolutely loath and destest. But God saw my need for emotional and physical comfort from this tea and rewarded me w/ a good cuppa. My tongue did not detect coconut and now that I read it may have been this, I am EXTREMELY thankful! :)

Cofftea 15 years ago

NOW what did I do to cause a cross out???

Peggie Bennett 15 years ago

Wow, that’s neat what your tasting note did! I thought maybe you just were having an early groundhog’s day tasting! haha!

Cofftea 15 years ago

No, it’s actually really annoying… grrr…

Peggie Bennett 15 years ago

I know it is. For me when things like that happen, then I tend to think that I’m doing something wrong, or missing something that I should be doing. But it’s probably just a glitch and not you. And because it’s just a glitch, there’s not much you can do about it anyway. So no worries. :-)

Cofftea 15 years ago

Yeah there is. Cuz I chronically worry about things I can’t control- and unfortunately worry about things I can change way less than I should lol.

Robert Godden 15 years ago

Reading about your love of Japanese Greens, I have realised that we are completely different in absolutely every respect… except we both love tea. And that is what makes Steepster great!
Oh, and I’ve worked out how much tea I drink in a day, and it’s about 3 litres – that’s over 100 us oz, so it doesn’t seem too much. But I like to spread the love around – maybe have about 12 ounces of 8 different teas every day.

Peggie Bennett 15 years ago

I think that’s in most people’s nature, the fear of the unknown and the uncontrollable. I used to do the same. But I finally learned to let it go to the wind, or some of my friends say to let it go to God. What is supposed to be will happen, and all I can do is go with it, roll with it, and hopefully learn something from it and move on to the next crisis. haha!

Cofftea 15 years ago

Japanese greens are my current compulsion, While I indent to keep my daily matcha habit, as far as decanted tea, I will probably eventually be fixated onto something else soon.

Cofftea 15 years ago

Yeah, I definitely need to trust the Only One Who Is ALL Knowing more. That’s exactly what faith is.

Carolyn 15 years ago

I know that it is annoying to lose control of things but that is how art is created. It’s a process of losing control and then regaining control to structure what you created in the non-controlled moments. I mention this because looked at with an open mind, there is a real beauty to the tasting note, almost an intentional visual stutter. Just tilt your mind sideways a bit and enjoy the view of it.

As to the tea, I will have to look into Gloria Jeans. I think we may have a mall store called that but I thought it was only coffee. You’re right, I would probably love a pineapple green tea.

Carolyn 15 years ago

BTW, to do a cross out with text, you can do that by placing an underscore before a phrase to be crossed through. Finish with another underscore. Like this.

Carolyn 15 years ago

OK, that used to work. Now apparently it does italics. Perhaps it is a hypen before and after? Like this

Cofftea 15 years ago

LOL definitely didn’t type the — so Idk how it got there.

Peggie Bennett 15 years ago

Carolyn I love your point of view on the po-po-po-post! :-D

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People who liked this


Cofftea 15 years ago

What the heck is wrong w/ my tasting note? I got to edit it and it’s not screwed up…

Ricky 15 years ago

Why that’s one mighty long repeating note =D

Ohh, I might need to add this one to my shopping list for the next time I make a Harney order.

Cofftea 15 years ago

Now THIS qualifies for an “utterly annoying tasting note”! But what’s most annoying is it’s NOT my fault! I swear!

fcmonroe 15 years ago

How did you manage to do that? It’s the kind of thing that I would do!

Cofftea 15 years ago

Haha! I have no clue, when I go to my tealog and click the “edit” button it’s perfect and repeat free!

Robert Godden 15 years ago

Hmmm, where to start, my friend?
Props for risking the appalling weather for a cup of tea. It’s probably the only sane reason to go out in the cold (It’s 29 degrees Celsius and quite beautiful here, by the way :) )
Myself, when given a choice between Japanese Sencha and anything else, I would also have chosen ‘anything else". Even though I’m allergic to pineapple.
I never generalise, except to say “I have never enjoyed any tea ever made in The Republic of Japan throughout it’s long and colourful history and I find it difficult to believe I ever would”. Could just be me, I suppose.
I think the icecream sounds great, but the combination may have caused your nausea. Also, having just worked out what 20oz is in metric, I have come to the conclusion that it’s a lot.
I find that whenever anyone uses a pineapple flavour, they often enhance it with coconut oils. I wonder if that is the case with this one?
Lastly, unlike certain others on the forum, I love it when people add backstory and context to their tasting notes. Very entertaining read.

Cofftea 15 years ago

Robert, ditto- where to start. Thank you for muddling thru this to not only read, but understand and comment! lol I have no clue what’s going on. What bad weather? It was 40 degrees F and sunny today. Wind chills can get 40 F. W/ the stash I have @ home, I definitely wouldn’t need to brave weather to get tea or even choose to go out in great weather lol. But I was there and needed something to warm myself, and decided not to go w/ coffee (which I also adore). Actually going w/ coffee probably would have made more sense because I can’t make a good specialty coffee beverage at home, but I can make wonderful loose leaf tea at home… and my choices would me MUCH more vast than I had today. I personally love Japanese greens. The only 2 that I’ve tried and not liked have been Gen mai cha and Houjicha. Infact Japanese greens are my favorite greens. I wish matcha had enough nutrition to sustain me! So it is just you. Kidding! I feel the same about non chai blacks as you do about Japanese greens. Just not my cuppa. But that’s ok, I’ll gladly drink your share of matcha. 20oz isn’t a lot in the scope of a day by far I can drink 3x that in a day… but in a few min, yes that is. I do not like coconut. I feel about coconut the same way you do about pineapple (although I’m not allergic). I chose this because I could have sworn it said “pineapple green”. If I had thought/known it said “tropical” I would have immediately gone w/ Japanese sencha… although I didn’t have my parameters sheet so I have no clue how that would have turned out. I just used the “all greens are created equal, steep them 3 mins” theory that I absolutely loath and destest. But God saw my need for emotional and physical comfort from this tea and rewarded me w/ a good cuppa. My tongue did not detect coconut and now that I read it may have been this, I am EXTREMELY thankful! :)

Cofftea 15 years ago

NOW what did I do to cause a cross out???

Peggie Bennett 15 years ago

Wow, that’s neat what your tasting note did! I thought maybe you just were having an early groundhog’s day tasting! haha!

Cofftea 15 years ago

No, it’s actually really annoying… grrr…

Peggie Bennett 15 years ago

I know it is. For me when things like that happen, then I tend to think that I’m doing something wrong, or missing something that I should be doing. But it’s probably just a glitch and not you. And because it’s just a glitch, there’s not much you can do about it anyway. So no worries. :-)

Cofftea 15 years ago

Yeah there is. Cuz I chronically worry about things I can’t control- and unfortunately worry about things I can change way less than I should lol.

Robert Godden 15 years ago

Reading about your love of Japanese Greens, I have realised that we are completely different in absolutely every respect… except we both love tea. And that is what makes Steepster great!
Oh, and I’ve worked out how much tea I drink in a day, and it’s about 3 litres – that’s over 100 us oz, so it doesn’t seem too much. But I like to spread the love around – maybe have about 12 ounces of 8 different teas every day.

Peggie Bennett 15 years ago

I think that’s in most people’s nature, the fear of the unknown and the uncontrollable. I used to do the same. But I finally learned to let it go to the wind, or some of my friends say to let it go to God. What is supposed to be will happen, and all I can do is go with it, roll with it, and hopefully learn something from it and move on to the next crisis. haha!

Cofftea 15 years ago

Japanese greens are my current compulsion, While I indent to keep my daily matcha habit, as far as decanted tea, I will probably eventually be fixated onto something else soon.

Cofftea 15 years ago

Yeah, I definitely need to trust the Only One Who Is ALL Knowing more. That’s exactly what faith is.

Carolyn 15 years ago

I know that it is annoying to lose control of things but that is how art is created. It’s a process of losing control and then regaining control to structure what you created in the non-controlled moments. I mention this because looked at with an open mind, there is a real beauty to the tasting note, almost an intentional visual stutter. Just tilt your mind sideways a bit and enjoy the view of it.

As to the tea, I will have to look into Gloria Jeans. I think we may have a mall store called that but I thought it was only coffee. You’re right, I would probably love a pineapple green tea.

Carolyn 15 years ago

BTW, to do a cross out with text, you can do that by placing an underscore before a phrase to be crossed through. Finish with another underscore. Like this.

Carolyn 15 years ago

OK, that used to work. Now apparently it does italics. Perhaps it is a hypen before and after? Like this

Cofftea 15 years ago

LOL definitely didn’t type the — so Idk how it got there.

Peggie Bennett 15 years ago

Carolyn I love your point of view on the po-po-po-post! :-D

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Are you a company or tea blender on sites like Adagio that would you like your tea reviewed? If so, please e-mail me @ SMSchneider@live.com.

What I most enjoy from obtaining samples from companies to review is that it helps me to better learn to drink and review teas from a more objective perspective, meaning more of the “This tea is…” point of view rather than the “I like/don’t like” this tea. I feel objectivism in tea reviews is EXTREMELY important because no two tea drinkers tastes are exactly the same. I’ve also been extremely surprised by several teas. I love recieving a sample I think I will be only writing an objective review on, only to completely fall in love with it upon tasting it.

Are you interested in redoing or starting your own tea related website or adding Search Engine Optimization? If so, please contact me at my work e-mail address: owcprojectmanager@gmail.com

Tea tastes:
I will ALWAYS pick loose leaf over tea bags. I only drink bagged tea if that’s my only choice or I find a flavor that I can’t find a loose leaf version for. When I do drink bagged; however, I always weigh my bag and am constantly curious as to the weight/flavor ratio- sometimes I am quite surprised by the flavor punch of light bags.

I have a preference for organic and fair trade teas (preferably both), but would never pass up an amzing tea just because it isn’t organic and/or fair trade.

I love savory teas.

I’m currently searching for a chai flavored soy powder or a soy based chai mix (either already mixed or a recipe).

I hardly EVER sweeten my teas. I feel that sweeteners (unless flavored like tea honeys, brown sugar, ice cream topping syrups, flavored coffee syrups, etc) do not add anything to the flavor profile of tea- in fact, I’ve found that they dumb down the flavors.

I NEVER serve my tea over regular iced cubes- I always make tea cubes.

I LOVE cooking w/ tea and making smoothTEAS.

I LOVE tea blending.

I rarely drink herbal teas unless they are mixed with true teas. My favorite herbals to mix with true teas are: spearmint, peppermint, lemongrass, rose hips, and gingeroot.

I can’t stand anything w/ fennel or anise. Hot black teas (except orange pekoe bagged tea that you get when you go out to eat and chai teas) tend to upset my stomach.

I drink matcha daily and love flavoring it. I’m also in a constant search of preflavored matchas.

I’m constantly searching for information on how to prepare tea authentically according to its country of origin.

My Tasting Notes Ratings (edited 8/8/10)
1: I can’t even stand the raw leaf enough to make this (I’ve never owned a tea w/ this rating, but I’ve smelled some before buying resulting in me NOT buying them that were that bad)

2: I steeped this tea but couldn’t stand the aroma enough to get it past my nose

3: I immediately gagged at the 1st sip and spit it out.

4: I manageed to get the 1st sip down, but I tossed the rest.

5: I drank the 1st cup but I can’t bring myself to resteep

6: Made it thru the entire set of infusions but I can’t bring myself to tinker w/ the parameters and won’t be making it again.

7-10: Does not taste anything like the ingredients or name suggests (i.e. Adagio’s Sour apple)

11-25: I can taste some of the ingredients, but the flavor is severely lacking

25-49: Teas that I would not consider bad in their flavor profile, but certainly below average

50: Average.

51-69: Teas above averge, but I wouldn’t go as far as calling them “good”.

70-75: Very good, but still room for improvement

76-85: Above average flavor profile

86-90: REALLY good flavors

91-99: Almost PERFECTLY achieves the goal of the ingredients and name of the tea.

100: Abosolutely perfect teas!

Other Interests: GOD! and all things pertaining to Him and His children, my dog Madison, travelling, and coffee.

Favorite Music: ANYTHING Christian. I don’t normally listen to secular music, but I do love jazz and swing.

Favorite Movies: Romantic comedies mostly. My Sister’s Keeper, P.S. I Love You, Fireproof, National Treasure Trilogy (I CAN’T WAIT FOR THE 3rd ONE TO COME OUT!), Night at the Museum 1 & 2, Sister Act 1 & 2, Yes Man, Bruce & Evan Almighty, rarely watch animated movies but LOVE anything 3D.

Favorite Books: THE BIBLE!!! & My Sister’s Keeper

Favorite Quotes: “A sad soul can kill you far quicker than a germ”- John Stienbeck "

Criticism is something we can avoid easily by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing”- Aristotle

“You should always carry burdens, but they should never be your own”- me

“You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.” ~ Winston Churchill

“Mom was right, ‘because I say so’ is enough- at least when it comes to God.”- me

Favorite Foods: fried calamari, lemon chicken, anything w/ buffalo sauce.

Favorite Places: WA state, Switzerland, Orlando

Places I Want to Visit: Hawaii, Africa

Anything Else: I was born with a birth defect called Spina Bifida which is the failure of the spinal column to close en utero. Because of this I am a parapelegic and use a manual wheelchair.


Oshkosh, WI



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