When I made a face and said that I didn’t like the tea I was drinking (Wild Monkey Masala) my beloved didn’t say, “Well let’s go for our run then.” (Though he’d have been within his rights to say so since we are late getting out today.) Instead he said, “Pour it out and have something better. I’ll wait.” I saw Cecilia’s review of mango tea and immediately thought that the Mango Tango would be a good way to drive out bad tea feelings.
Mango Tango is such a happy tea! Even the leaves are beautiful since they’ve been brightened with little yellow flower petals. The tea itself brews up into a sweet, fragrant liquor with a smooth ceylon black flavor peeking through the mango and passionfruit curtains. Now I’ll be able to run happily.
Awww! He’s so sweet!
I must second that. If that’s not love, I’m not sure what else is.