drank Premium Green by Stash Tea
92 tasting notes

My local grocery store has Stash teas at $1.78 for 20 bags. Perhaps it’s time to revisit Stash and hope that their other teas are better than their chocolate and vanilla ones. Since I know this one is good, I grabbed a box. I’ve been told by a very trustworthy lady that the orange spice is good for sun tea, so I may try that (when there’s light again. Goodness, Washington, why do you have to have so much fog this year?).

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Calochortus likes plants and knitting and bacteria. She doesn’t have a very large tea allowance, so expect a lot of grocery store/local/home-grown/bagged teas. She’s grown up with tea, as it is part of (half of) her culture.

Her favorite teas are black and usually fruity or vanilla-y. She likes to put milk in her tea, too, but she’s trying to widen her palette with green teas and rooibos. She finds that tea leaves are great for composting, too.


The fictional state of Washidamont (Eastern WA, Northern ID, and Western MT)



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