This is my first 52teas experience!!! I’m so excited!
I ripped open the bag and was assailed by a strong maple scent. The tea leaves are interspersed with generous portions of thin, curly, yellow marigold petals. I wanted to measure the tea with my small scale to ensure a perfect cup.
But as I was measuring out the leaves, something weird started happening. One little marigold petal was standing straight up! I looked at it and thought, hmmmm. Maybe a piece of my hair is caught in the leaves or something? I tried to pick it up, but it jumped away from my hand and landed on the countertop. Strange.
I kept measuring out more leaves, and that’s when I realized what was going on. As petals bounced away from the scale, I figured out they were full of static electricity! It was so funny, and such a weird way to start out my 52teas experience. It is kind of cold today (high 40s/low 50s), and I did open the package as soon as I brought it in the house. That’s the only explanation I can think of.
But anyway, on to the tea itself! It brewed up to a nice clear, slightly golden color. It still smells heavily of maple, but now there’s the added oolong vegetal quality to the aroma. And the taste? Hmmm, not what I expected. There’s definitely a slight maple taste and some lovely floral notes, but I’m not getting much cheesecake flavor. It’s definitely not creamy or milky or cheesy.
However, it’s still quite good! The first infusion actually is probably my least favorite. The oolong really develops in later infusions. I’m loving this second cup! This is a great tea, and although I’ll be sad when my limited bag is empty, I am happy that I got to experience it. That there’s not much of it makes it that much more special. :)
Oh, gosh no! Hahahaahaa, that really made me laugh though! Nope, this tea is just goodness with a touch of static electricity. :)
I thought that maybe you had found something alive in your bag or something! LOL
Oh, gosh no! Hahahaahaa, that really made me laugh though! Nope, this tea is just goodness with a touch of static electricity. :)
Welcome to the Wild Wonderful World of 52Teas! This one sounds amazing!! :)