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This one is OK but I can still taste the bag. It does have a nice surprise of lemon flavor which is nice.
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I normally don’t like peppermint tea but this one is nice. It feels kind of Christmasy to me. The boy is not fond of it. He likes plain better.
Not my favorite. The boy wants to buy it again to mix with the pear since he would like the fruit tea to be an actual tea. I find it kind of fishy.
Smells like fresh juicy peaches. It’s nice but I think it will make a better iced tea.
Nice hot tea. I am happy with the bite.
Sweet, yummy, light, and fresh It has a hint of mangos without being over powering. I love this stuff.
MMMM yum vanilla and roses. Nice kick back summer morning tea.
What a unique bitterness. This is a nice wake me up tea.
What on earth were they thinking. This one tastes like someone steeped a fish. I am all for bonito but not for tea. Yuck!
Tastes like a fresh fruit. It made up into a lovely iced tea.
I am in school, again, working towards something I don’t know if I can achieve, but I am giving it my all. Tea makes me happy enough to not pull out my hair as I am bashing my face into the wall.
my own world