I got this tea for my very first Frequent Steeper reward since it’s too cost-prohibitive for me to actually buy, but I love jasmine green tea. So there ya go. $19.50 worth of tea for free.
My thoughts: this is OK. I certainly wasn’t overwhelmed with orgasmic jasmine green tea goodness like I thought I would be. It’s certainly not BAD, better than the jasmine green I have in tea bags in a box on my desk, but I should sure hope that’s the case. It was fun watching this tea unfurl during steeping the first time, but I don’t quite think that justifies the price. I’d rather they just toss the dried leaves in the bag and charge $5 less for 50g for it.
The tea itself tastes OK. Not knock-your-socks-off, not terrible. Had a bit of bitterness to the first steep, but that’s my fault for over-steeping not the fault of the tea. The aroma of the steeped tea is just as flowery and yummy as the dried tea leaves; the flavour falls a bit short though. I actually liked the flavour of the second steeping much more than the first. Had more of the jasmine, flowery taste and less of the “green tea” taste. Exactly what I was expecting with the first steep (granted, I actually remembered to take the steeping basket out of my cup in the proper amount of time the second time…). I’ll have to pay closer attention next time for the first steep to see if I can get them tasting the same.
I guess I should come full-disclosure here and say that I’m still trying to find a jasmine green tea that comes anywhere close to as good as the one I bought when I was in Japan. I found this little tea vendor in a hole-in-the-wall shop right outside a temple, walked in and said “good tea”. The lady handed me a 50g bag of rolled-up green stuff, wrote out how much it cost, and I paid. It ended up being about $25/50g, but I figured I might only even stumble into this shop once in my life and so why the hell not. Glad I did…best tea I’ve ever had in my life. I marked down on a map where the shop was (constant stream of people in and out, so hopefully they’re still in business if I ever manage to make it back) should I ever get the opportunity to re-purchase. Still have the bag and everything, too. But since “good tea” managed to work last time, I might try that trick again…
Verdict: I would get this again as a free 50g tea with the Frequent Steeper program, but I wouldn’t ever pay the premium for it. Not as good as I expected, but certainly not bad. If paying this much for tea isn’t something you’re concerned about, I would recommend it.