I just ordered this from the Tea District, using up a groupon, and based on recommendations from Earl Grey fans. Lavender has always been a favorite of mine – usually as a fragrance but more recently as a tea!

This pairing seems to be popular – lavender with bergamot/Earl Grey – and with good reason. I’m not usually an EG fan, but this is the gateway tea that is easing me into EG waters.

Enough babbling, let’s talk tea. This is one of the more tastier versions of this pairing, but that could be due to steeping. I was at work, called away from my desk, you know how it goes. (I won’t rate it this time; I’ll pay better attention and put tea before my work (ha!) next time. There is something very warming and comforting about pairing lavender and citrus, almost like relaxing on a summer’s evening.

I am currently in a Quest to Find a Tasty Earl Grey: http://keenteathyme.blogspot.com/2011/04/quest-for-earl-grey.html

Got any other suggestions?

Show 3 previous comments...
Dinosara 14 years ago

I’ll be following your quest with interest, because I too have been looking for my favorite EG. Although I love traditional EGs, I like all the different permutations as well.

ColumbiaKate 14 years ago

Did I send you Metro’s Earl Grey Cream? That has been one of my top sellers.
Per the spelling, The British Earl IS “Grey” and Gray is a color.US. or Grey is a colour. British.
The Best Earl Grey tea however is a "Greyt’ quest. I have several yet to try. But Steven Smith’s Earl Grey, which I tasted at his booth at the food show, is right up there, In my opinion.

cteresa 14 years ago

It is not canonical, but my favorite earl grey is Lady Grey. Many companies do versions (bergamot, with other citrus particularly orange) many much fancier (Kusmi makes Anastasia for example) but for my money the best I have tried yet is plain old Twinings original Lady Grey. Have you tried yet?

KeenTeaThyme 14 years ago

@ColumbiaKate – yep, that’s actually my next tea to try today. Thanks for the input on the spelling debacle. I always thought it was “Grey” for the same reasons…
@cteresa – Lady Grey is quite nice! A friend of mine who loves EG recommended I try it and I liked it. I’ve only had it once though. I liked the name “Lady Grey” because it reminded me of one of my favorite ghost stories! :)

Laura B 14 years ago

I’m also a non-fan of EG but I’ve found that a rather strange ordinary enough brand, NUMI, has this “Aged Earl Grey” with aged bergamot… and I delight in it. The aroma knocks me out, and drinking it is actually a pleasure instead of a polite thing I tolerate when somewhere they are serving whatever random “fabulous” grey they think I’ll find irresistable :) Funny thing about lavender, which I’m allergic to in terms of the flowers being airborne (but can consume in creme brulee—my favorite use for it—or other foodstuff), I LOVE places that take a few fresh buds and put them on top of packed fresh ground espresso just before brewing. Makes a kick butt cup o’ joe (when the espresso is good, which is rare by my snootier-on-coffee-than-tea standards… and most consider me snooty on tea except for “candy teas” that are not real “tea” persay :D)

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Dinosara 14 years ago

I’ll be following your quest with interest, because I too have been looking for my favorite EG. Although I love traditional EGs, I like all the different permutations as well.

ColumbiaKate 14 years ago

Did I send you Metro’s Earl Grey Cream? That has been one of my top sellers.
Per the spelling, The British Earl IS “Grey” and Gray is a color.US. or Grey is a colour. British.
The Best Earl Grey tea however is a "Greyt’ quest. I have several yet to try. But Steven Smith’s Earl Grey, which I tasted at his booth at the food show, is right up there, In my opinion.

cteresa 14 years ago

It is not canonical, but my favorite earl grey is Lady Grey. Many companies do versions (bergamot, with other citrus particularly orange) many much fancier (Kusmi makes Anastasia for example) but for my money the best I have tried yet is plain old Twinings original Lady Grey. Have you tried yet?

KeenTeaThyme 14 years ago

@ColumbiaKate – yep, that’s actually my next tea to try today. Thanks for the input on the spelling debacle. I always thought it was “Grey” for the same reasons…
@cteresa – Lady Grey is quite nice! A friend of mine who loves EG recommended I try it and I liked it. I’ve only had it once though. I liked the name “Lady Grey” because it reminded me of one of my favorite ghost stories! :)

Laura B 14 years ago

I’m also a non-fan of EG but I’ve found that a rather strange ordinary enough brand, NUMI, has this “Aged Earl Grey” with aged bergamot… and I delight in it. The aroma knocks me out, and drinking it is actually a pleasure instead of a polite thing I tolerate when somewhere they are serving whatever random “fabulous” grey they think I’ll find irresistable :) Funny thing about lavender, which I’m allergic to in terms of the flowers being airborne (but can consume in creme brulee—my favorite use for it—or other foodstuff), I LOVE places that take a few fresh buds and put them on top of packed fresh ground espresso just before brewing. Makes a kick butt cup o’ joe (when the espresso is good, which is rare by my snootier-on-coffee-than-tea standards… and most consider me snooty on tea except for “candy teas” that are not real “tea” persay :D)

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Hello fellow tea fans!
I’ve been a tea enthusiast for years but just recently started brewing my own. I’ve created some blends, and enjoy researching about new teas. I combined my love of tea and writing to create a tea-devoted blog, Keen Tea Thyme. I have been writing for most of my life and am a former journalist with a degree in Communications and Social Psychology, and a minor in Writing. Journalism is in my blood, so that means I’m inquisitive by nature, will double-check sources and/or get a second opinion as needed, but also fair and balanced in my reviews. If my reviews seem more positive, energetic and have high ratings, it’s because I love tea. :)

If you are a tea company, I’d love to review some your tea! Free samples are always welcome so I can fully enjoy the freshest selections. I’m also open to tea swaps as I always have too many teas on hand to drink & would love to share with other tea enthusiasts! :)

My Simple Rating Scale (as of Feb. 2011)
>50: I’m NOT a fan. I could barely finish the cup, if I even did. I wouldn’t even recommend this to my worst enemy. Not worth my time nor yours.

51-65: Good aroma, good flavor. Just nothing pops to give the tea that special kick. Recommended to try; our tasting palates differ.

66-79: Yes, finally, tea – unique flavor profiles, great aroma & flavor. Recommended to try; our tasting palates differ.

80-99: These are cupboard essentials – delicious, aromatic and perfect everyday teas. Re-steepable (beyond at least one steeping). Highly recommended, fun for all ages.

100: These are my favorites, the ones I would take with me if stranded on a desert island. Beyond Highly Recommended.

Just Launched: Keen Tea Thyme @ Etsy

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Be “keen” on tea at Keen Tea Thyme, my blog:
Reviews, blogs, tea leaf readings, puzzles, contests and more.

And check out some of my blends from Adagio:
Toasted Marshmallow

Vampire Lemonade

If you have a signature blend you’d like me to try, we can swap teas! PM me for details! :)

Happy Brewing! :)


Frederick, MD



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