126 Tasting Notes

drank Wild Sweet Orange by Tazo
126 tasting notes

Wow, they weren’t kidding about the orange, huh? Tastes like hot pulverized orange, with a little sweetness, a little tartness. Tried it with some sugar and now it’s too sweet for me. I think I liked it better without sugar for the tart/sweet combo. Overall, it’s alright, not a favorite. I will say this about Tazo, they have some of the most unusual flavors, and they make a good name for bagged tea.

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drank Kuki Matcha by Teavana
126 tasting notes

Love love this one from Teavana. A fantastic green (actually green) tea!

Cofftea 15 years ago


Cofftea 15 years ago

Had my 1st Kukicha today so now this has me interested.:)

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drank Passion by Tazo
126 tasting notes

I just adore Passion tea by Tazo. It’s so good, hot or cold, I just love the flavor, not like juice, and makes you pucker just a little. It’s flowery with a little tartness, just enough bite to surprise you and keep you coming back for more. And the color is beautiful!

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drank Special Blend by PG Tips
126 tasting notes

I like this one, not as much as the regular PG Tips, but still good. It has a darker flavor (if flavors can be dark), but it’s not bitter, even after I oversteep sometimes like I did today. (I was at work and got distracted.)

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drank PG Tips by PG Tips
126 tasting notes

Love this one in the morning, sometimes with a little sugar. But it doesn’t need it, I just do to wake me up some. :-)
It has a nice clean taste, even after steeping until it’s dark, I can’t taste much tannins. A good staple to have on hand, good for bagged tea and you can usually find it at a good price.

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drank Genmai Cha by Yamamotoyama
126 tasting notes

I always smile drinking this one, great for a cold wintery day! The aroma of the rice is so welcoming!

gmathis 15 years ago

We’ve always called it it “rice krispies” tea at our house.

Peggie Bennett 15 years ago

It actually reminds me of my mom cooking rice in a pot when we were little, and the crusty parts that stuck to the pan, she would cook until toasty brown and then sprinkle with salt. It was our “treat” after dinner! A little sad, I know. :-)

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