I received a few samples of different black teas from cteresa today, one of which was the 4 fruits rouge from damman freres. Thanks so much Teresa!

I love this tea! Its fruity, its sweet but has a freshness and lightness to it, that I usually don’t associate with red fruits or black tea. There seems to be a very light astringency that is quite pleasant. On the other hand it may be due to the fact that I’ve tasted quite a number of teas in a few hours time.

Come summer I’m going to try to make an iced tea from this. This is the second tea I’ve tasted lately that probably will make an excellent iced tea (the other being Peche Mignon from Theodor).

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec
cteresa 12 years ago

I liked it very much as well (though, duh, still got to write taste notes about it), I think so far it is my favorite Dammann tea. The black tea base seems very similar to the other Dammann teas I have had and admittedly it is not a favorite of mine (I compared once Dammann´s black tea with peach and vanilla with Theodor and it was a Theodor landslide!). But this is so fruity and nice…

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cteresa 12 years ago

I liked it very much as well (though, duh, still got to write taste notes about it), I think so far it is my favorite Dammann tea. The black tea base seems very similar to the other Dammann teas I have had and admittedly it is not a favorite of mine (I compared once Dammann´s black tea with peach and vanilla with Theodor and it was a Theodor landslide!). But this is so fruity and nice…

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What to say about myself and my tea drinking habits? I’ve been staring at the screen, reading other’s bio’s and still can’t come up with something worthwile. I’ll just stick to the basics.

I generally prefer white, green and oolong teas to black teas. As I read a scientific report that stated that black teas lower the level of stress hormones in the blood, I try to add a few cups of black tea every day.

Overall I prefer black teas to be flavoured. The white, green and oolongs may be flavoured or straight.

I brew my teas per cup, mostly in my – much loved – Kati mug with Cha Cult strainer. I’m rather a stickler for brewing time and temperature, so I use a tea timer and watercooker with temperature indication.

I also love a good cup of coffee and especially cappuchino. As far as I’m concerned, a good cappuchino requires a real milk/foam topping, not something made with skimmed milk, powder or the like. Unfortunately a lot of cafes still haven’t caught on to that one and serve low quality coffee and tea (type vending machine and bagged fannings). I hate it when, on a cold winter day, the choice is restricted to bad coffee, bagged fannings or a cold softdrink… :-(

As for rating teas, I more or less make the following distinction:

Nothing is perfect. Probably won’t be using it ever.

98 – 99:
Nearly too good to be true.

90 – 97:

80 – 89:

70 – 79:
Good. May rebuy depending on price and availability.

60 – 69:
Ok I’ll finish the cup and maybe even have a second, but probably won’t finish the entire package as I have other – (far) better teas in my cupboard.

< 60:
I feel cheated. I won’t ever be buying this again.

< 50:
This really is no good.

< 30:
I hate this. I want my money back.

Beyond horrible!

PS: Recalibrated my ratings according to this index on 23 feb 2013.


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