I adopted this from my mother (I tend to adopt a lot of teas from my mother), and being presently in a position where some detoxification is needed, I thought I’d give this a try myself!
My first critique is that this is really more of a rooibos than a green tea; I understand why it would be marketed as a green, since green tea is still a marketing buzzword for detox, health, weight loss, etc, and I’m sure the general public that buys into that mindset would be very confused if they heard rooibos instead of green, so I don’t begrudge David’s for their decision, but it can be rather misleading for anyone expecting something green tea-tasting.
Smelling and tasting the tea, you definitely get more rooibos than sencha. The liquor is golden red, a bit lighter than rooibos steeps by itself. It’s lightly sweet smelling with a whiff of lemongrass. Taste-wise it’s completely rooibos and herbal, hence why I really think this shouldn’t be marketed as a green. That’s why my mother gave it to me (she’s not a fan of rooibos), and even though I do find it tasty, I don’t think it’ll be my favourite detox tea.