The twisty leaves are absolutely gorgeous, brewing into a golden-brown cup. I’m used to brewing Ceylons (and blacks in general) at higher temperatures, but the kid gloves treatment here gave me a really wonderful cup bursting with flavor without any of that underbrewed weakness that sometimes comes from lower temperatures. This is a really nice, bright Ceylon without any hints of tannic bitterness. There is almost a caramelized undertone of juicy sweetness; the mouthfeel was almost like a nice fruit tea but without any fruit if that makes any sense. This is gonna be really great come winter; the sweet aftertaste reminds me of cocoa just a tiny bit, or spiced apple cider- it’s warming, even when the tea’s at a nice drinkable temperature.
Also, it goes crazy good with French Vanilla ice cream. Like, seriously crazy good.
Flavors: Burnt Sugar, Caramel, Malt