This isn’t very high-quality tea; my loose leaves range in size from small what-appear-to-be shredded leaves, to a semi-large half-shredded leaf, to quite a number of sticks and twigs, to a few soft buds—all combined with several small chunks of dried strawberries. I bought this when I was much newer to tea, when I didn’t yet know how to visually identify the characteristics of a quality white tea.
Regardless, I give it a try. The liquor brews to a light gold/amber colour, and the aroma is strong and fruity, filled with hints of berries after a 4-minute steeping. The taste is not nearly as sweet as its scent, thank goodness—it has a hint of strawberry, but its presence is not overbearing, sitting rather equally and in tandem with the taste of the white tea.
While not high-quality white tea, I quite enjoy this tea in the morning to ease me into my work day. It’s mellow, soft, and just slightly fruity, but not so perky that it’s jolting. I’ll drink this batch and possibly consider buying it again—with some higher quality leaves.
180 °F / 82 °C
4 min, 0 sec