Day 21 of the 2016 advent calendar! I am a huge fan of apples with warm spices so I am very excited to try this tea. In my sampler I actually got a BIG piece of dried apple which is a nice bonus. As for the smell, it is very heavy on the spices as you might expect, with the dominant notes being cinnamon and clove. It’s very Christmas-y so that’s nice at least.
The steeped aroma is basically the same as the dry leaf, but a bit more mellow. The color itself looks like apple juice too funnily enough. The taste is a lot less spice-heavy than I was thinking it would be, in fact the flavor is almost underwhelming. To be honest the taste of the clove is… the highlight that I’m getting. I am disappointed that there isn’t much apple going on in this tea, but there are many alternatives so I’m not THAT disappointed.
Overall, this tea is… a miss for me. Despite having lots of apple in my sample it just got drowned out by spices rather than highlighted by them. I’ll just stick with some of David’s other and better apple teas I think.