Mmm, I enjoyed this tea quite a lot! Whilst it is a green tea, it struck me as something half way between on the first steep.
The dried leaves, as expected, are rolled in tight balls. There is a real mixture of greens in this one, dark to light in colour. There wasn’t a strong scent when dry, but when wet you get a slight earthy note. Again, when steeping the aroma isn’t particularly strong.
The wet leaves become more vibrant as usual, but I noticed that there were flecks of rusty, ruddy brown leaves now.
As far as taste goes, this was a real change from the green teas I’ve been having this week. It is difficult to describe, other than it’s definitely got some oak and earthyness in there. It also tastes like a good quality tea. It immediately grabbed me and made me think this was something a bit special. I’m really pleased I got to try this.
Second steeping lost the oak as the main body, and balanced itself with the normal slight floral and sweetness of green leaves. Very pleasant again, and the third steeping matched this balance.
I’m looking forward to my next cup of this, and it’s one that I’m looking forward to sharing with my family.