Okay, first off I’ll just come out and say it: I love this tea. I love this tea like I love my mother. It has found it’s way into my permanent rotation, and I am extremely glad to have discovered it. Now to the actual review:
The dry leaves smelled very much like a sweet-ish chai to me, but I could definitely pick up on the citrusy scent of the orange peel! Brewing the tea, I had a pretty decent idea of what to expect, having seen many pictures of glitter & gold on instagram (yes, I check the #davidstea hashtag quite frequently. No shame!), and was slightly disappointed at the low amount of sparklies in my tea (this is probably due to my method of steeping it in a teapot – note to self: buy DT steeper!), but this disappointment quickly turned to joy upon tasting the tea: a very prominent black tea taste with the sweetness of sugar, the warming taste of cinnamon, and slight orangey undertones.
One complaint I tend to have about certain teas from David’s would be that if there’s cinnamon there’s usually too much (Cinnamon Heart) or too little (Stormy Night), but I certainly didn’t have that problem with this tea. I could definitely taste it, and it in fact was a very cinnamon-y tea, but not overpoweringly so.