Creamy Earl Grey

Tea type
Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by LiberTEAS
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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6 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Today I could taste the vanilla. I didn’t catch it last time. It is very light. The bergamot is nice and medium but the light touch of vanilla makes it very smooth. This is a really good Earl...” Read full tasting note

From Zenjala Tea Company

The addition of vanilla flavor and vanilla beans to the traditional black tea and bergamot oil makes this tea rich and creamy.

About Zenjala Tea Company View company

Company description not available.

6 Tasting Notes

1719 tasting notes

Today I could taste the vanilla. I didn’t catch it last time. It is very light. The bergamot is nice and medium but the light touch of vanilla makes it very smooth. This is a really good Earl Grey.

My wife is having gall bladder surgery tomorrow. The hospital just called wanting enough money up front to buy a small car. Are they serious? Don’t they remember they took all our money last year? sigh. I need tea. Oh, and they aren’t getting a dime until it clears insurance.


Take care of both of you, including packing yourself some decent teabags for the waiting room. We’ll be praying here.


Like the tasting note, dislike the stress. Praying for you! Sent your tea today!

Scott B

Hopefully your wife qualifies for laprascopic gall bladder removal-it’s much easier on the body than the standard procedure. I had mine removed that way a couple years ago and it was a piece of cake. Good luck!

Sorry about the insurance hassle. I’m still trying to get my insurance company to pay for reading glasses I got a year ago!


I know how the costs are! My copay this year cou;d have bought a car too! Wiped out my savings! However, I’m no longer blind!
God be with you and your wife!

Hesper June

You both are in my prayers!


Thanks all. You’re all wonderful. Gmathis – its raining! lol.

Charles Thomas Draper

I wish your wife well. I just had my hospital stay and lost my insurance May 1 after being insured for 25 years.


Thanks, and sorry Charles.


Ouch. I hope she has a safe surgery (I hesitate to say good, but I hope it’s as pleasant as a surgery can be…) and gets well soon.


Left my windows partially down in the parking lot at work as an act of faith ;)


LOL I hear you – I have the worst time with Insurance, hospitals wanting money etc.

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