Summer Vacation! Had an early morning staff meeting today, so I pulled out one of the few Japanese blacks I have, a Yuzu black tea I picked up from an older Yunomi order but have still to try. I’ve been wanting to try yuzu for some time, though, and the base of this is benifuuki, a black tea cultivar I’ve also been wanting to try (my most recent Yunomi order which hasn’t arrived yet has some pure benifuuki on it, so hopefully in the next month or so I’ll have a chance to compare).
This is quite nice; the yuzu is very lemony, with a juicy citrus taste that is also a bit peppery (unless the pepper note is coming from the benifuuki base, but until I have some straight benifuuki for comparison, I won’t know for certain…). The black tea base is very smooth, and reminds me a little of the taste of the Yunnan tea I tried not long ago, for being a bit malty/smoky mixed with that peppery taste from the citrus, though it’s just a bit more mild on the malt and smoke and the pepper is more pronounced.
This is a pretty large sampler, so I think I want to try this as an iced tea, too. It’s a strong citrus flavor so I think it would work well that way.
Flavors: Citrus, Lemon, Malt, Pepper, Smoke