As soon as I saw this I knew I had to pick it up. Sounds cool as hell.
1st Steep: No strong flavors in the first steep besides some bamboo and floral hints. The wet leaves smell like an odd combo of smokey and sweet. Makes me think of bbq.
2nd Steep: The black tea wakes up and breaks away powering up the flavor. I find tastes of caramel and malt. There is a drying feeling in the mouth afterwards.
3rd Steep: The brew darkens up a lot to a deep umber red. The malt flavor gets taken over by the bamboo some and tastes very floral. Hints of roasting start to appear. My mouth is even more dry then before.
4th Steep: The roasted flavor brightens up and the drying goes down a bit.
5th and Beyond: Things turn back to the floral side slowly and weaken. Longer steeps do well. You can get a ton of steeps out of this. On my 15th now.
Not the greatest flavors ever but defiantly interesting. I highly recommend it.
Flavors: Bamboo, Caramel, Drying, Floral, Malt, Roasted, Smoke