Silver Ring tea is a limited edition, individually rolled artisanal white tea with leaves that unfurl to whole leaf when it is steeped. The silver rings are all hand made from selected tips that have the right length and colour. It contains all the antioxidants of fine quality green tea, but is a white tea with the added benefits. It brews to a delicate lime green infusion and multiple infusions are the norm. The ideal preparation is to put 2… Read more
Silver Ring tea is a limited edition, individually rolled artisanal white tea with leaves that unfurl to whole leaf when it is steeped. The silver rings are all hand made from selected tips that have the right length and colour. It contains all the antioxidants of fine quality green tea, but is a white tea with the added benefits. It brews to a delicate lime green infusion and multiple infusions are the norm. The ideal preparation is to put 2 grams of the tea in a cup, pour in boiling water, cover and let steep for five minutes before using. This is also a non- astringent tea having a white or light yellow infusion.