Assam Hazelbank

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Chocolate, Malt, Nuts
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Edit tea info Last updated by LiberTEAS
Average preparation
Boiling 2 min, 45 sec 3 g 8 oz / 236 ml

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22 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Ass-Sam! LOVELY! Ass-Sam! LOVELY! Yes, it’s true! Every month or two I have to rewatch this video! Anyhow…Thanks to Liberteas for this one! It IS lovely! The type of...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is not a review – this is a note of mourning. Someone stole – yes stole – the container with this tea, my favourite Assam and one that is no longer available. So sad…” Read full tasting note
  • “I don’t travel well. It’s just a fact. It’s not that I don’t like traveling, it’s more that my body is ridiculous. Any movement in any direction results in new allergies, issues with drinking...” Read full tasting note
  • “An exquisite Assam. Sweet, rich and malty, but also fruity. This Assam seems to meet somewhere between malty Assam and wine-y Assam. Very pleasant. Not bitter, although, I did only steep for 2...” Read full tasting note

From Whittard of Chelsea

This small and picturesque garden produces one of the world’s best teas. This tea was named after Hazel, the daughter of state official, Dr Mead. The richness, size and color of its tips make Hazelbank an all-time favorite.

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22 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes


Yes, it’s true! Every month or two I have to rewatch this video!

Anyhow…Thanks to Liberteas for this one!

It IS lovely! The type of Assam I have been craving the last few weeks, actually. It really hits the spot!

Sweet and caramelly and slightly fruity but a nice amount of malt, too! Naturally Rich and dessert-like without actual flavoring! YUMMO! YUM!

Hesper June

Haha! that video is hilarious!

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423 tasting notes

This is not a review – this is a note of mourning. Someone stole – yes stole – the container with this tea, my favourite Assam and one that is no longer available. So sad…


that’s horrible! Who would do that!




You have to hide it under puerh cakes the funky ones


Boychik, you are so right!
Sil, I think that they just wanted the pretty container that it was in (white with flowers)
Yyz – indeed!
Anyone know of any good replacements? A really fruity Assam that is also malty?


Ugh. So annoying when you can’t have your things in peace. Why anybody would make themselves a thief for a tin a tea is beyond me.

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3294 tasting notes

I don’t travel well. It’s just a fact. It’s not that I don’t like traveling, it’s more that my body is ridiculous. Any movement in any direction results in new allergies, issues with drinking water, etc.
I arrived yesterday & within no time was sneezing, eyes watering,lungs burning, all the classic symptoms. I forgot how crappy bottled water makes me feel. No matter how much I drink, it doesn’t slake my thirst. Luckily my parents got a new water filtration system, & so far, so good. There are 2 cats who know I’m allergic & will do anything to torment me. The air in this house is hot & stale & I feel claustrophobic. Also, due to the time change, overall irritation, & a very late night planning & executing an awesome tea order (YEAH), I stayed up lake, tossed & turned, etc. Enough bitching, thank you for letting me rant!

Otherwise, it is awesome to be here with my folks. Dad & I spent a couple of hours talking about esoteric things (Reiki, crystals, spirit guides…stuff like that). Mom & I are gonna do something today, I’m not sure what yet.

I’ve been sitting here slurping this Assam, from my awesome trade with NofarS, & even though I over-tea-ed it a bit, it is deliciously rich, bold, malty & sweet. All the things I want this morning. Well…all the things I want in a tea, anyway!


Oh no – that sounds horrible with the allergies, but seeing your parents must be nice!

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4843 tasting notes

An exquisite Assam. Sweet, rich and malty, but also fruity. This Assam seems to meet somewhere between malty Assam and wine-y Assam. Very pleasant. Not bitter, although, I did only steep for 2 minutes so it might get bitter if oversteeped.

But as it is (was, since this is a backlog) … this tastes amazing. Sweet, with the sweetness coming from the fruit notes as well as the caramel-y malty tones, rich and flavorful. Complex and absolutely delightful to sip.

Terri HarpLady

this one sounds yummy too!

Ruby Woo Scarlett

Sounds so good. You don’t talk about the ‘hazel’ part though, is that because you couldn’t taste it?

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348 tasting notes

Howdy everyone.

I am finally back up and running after several trials and errors with computer repair. Thanks to a whole slew of friends, this pseudo-writer is back in the proverbial e-saddle. Anyway…back to tea.

This was one I received in a care package from LiberTeas (bless her heart). It’s been awhile since I’ve had me some Assam, and this was an estate that was new to me. Also new to me, it wasn’t an estate with a really Klingon-sounding name. This one was Hazelbank…and that makes me giggle inappropriately for some reason.

This is about as Assam as you can get. It brewed dark copper at only a three minute steep. It’s characteristically bitter on the forefront and malty to the core. I think a few chest hairs poofed! into existence thanks to this. That and I was wide-eyed and alert.

So, good on ya, Hazelbank. giggle

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Perfect night for some Assam :)

Geoffrey Norman

Oh yeah…I guess it is technically afternoon time here. Er…mornin’ to me either way.


lol, chest hairs poofed? Really?

Geoffrey Norman

Not really. But it did drive me to hyperbole.

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15618 tasting notes

sipdown! i’m running behind with my tasting notes…“early” night testing for work and now i have additional testing to do. I’ve been drinking a bunch of teas this morning but i haven’t had a second to start logging them. this was one of my earliest teas. An assam that is bold, malty but also fruity and sweet.

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807 tasting notes

A really nice Assam. Fruity and lightly sweet – creamy mouthfeel.

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615 tasting notes

Tea #36 from Another Traveling Tea Box

A really solid Assam. It’s bold with caramel-ly malt notes and subtle sweet fruitness. Yum.

Folks that like Assam should give this one a go.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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790 tasting notes

Thanks to a generous sample pack from Liberteas I get to try this great Assam! Very, very nice. Not at all bitter, slight hints of sweetness in the background. A smooth cup of tea.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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224 tasting notes

Tea #7 from Another Traveling Tea Box

So I wanted to give a straight tea a shot and grabbed this one because the name was interesting. Didn’t smell like much, but being in the sort of packaging it was, I didn’t expect to smell much other the rest of the box’s scents.

Brewed I was getting a thick malty smell with green beans(?) which was strange. I didn’t get any green bean taste, but it was rather mulch-y/bark tasting to me. Bleh.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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