2021 Sugar Rush

Tea type
Black Tea
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From white2tea

A remake of our sold out 2018 black tea.
Old arbor large leaf varietal tea that is usually destined to be made in raw Puer, picked and processed into shaihong style tea with sun drying.

Sugar Rush has a thick, rich sweetness and thick body. The development of flavor and fragrance over the course of a session is complex and engaging, with an underlying sweetness carrying throughout. This is an enduring and heavy black tea best suited for a longer, gongfu style tea session.

Pressed in 2021. Each cake is 200g. The cakes are in bamboo tongs, with five cakes per tong.

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2 Tasting Notes

16967 tasting notes


Love the slick, syrupy liquor and coating mouthfeel of this tea. The top notes glaze-like with dark, golden honey flavours that blanket a more dense, malty and cocoa tinged middle sip with undertones of cooked down, darkly sweet stonefruit. However, the tasting note that struck me the most in this session was a rich and nearly constant present taste of graham crackers. Between the malt, honey, and cocoa it was hard not to think of teddy bear graham cookies at different parts of this session which was actually quite nostalgic. I feel like the last time I had those cookies may have even been in school lunches. I have such a craving for them now, and I don’t even know if they’re still made…

Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/DDkC6I7pgJa/?img_index=1

Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7qEPGmpTgU&ab_channel=MICKEYDARLING

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