Earlier this week, I got some tea mail with my most recent white2tea order! I mostly just got a bunch of dragonball samples of some of the new teas, but I did sneak in some of the loose version of W2T’s new Silver Fox white tea. I’m letting everything else in the order settle for a moment, but I couldn’t resist brewing something new up so today I enjoyed a short little park session with some juuuusstt ripe yellow plums. The plums proved to be a little too sweet for the tea so they mostly ended up being a post-session snack, but this bud heavy tea was pretty solid!! Soft, smooth and ever-so-slightly creamy mouthfeel with the faintest hint of pleasant astringency on the backend of the sip. Maybe it’s the design on the teacup subtly influencing me, but I also couldn’t help but think of the tea buds as looking like fuzzy like crab legs.
Taste wise, this is a delicate tea, but it has so many of the tasting notes I deeply enjoy in Bai Hao Yin Zhen and similar style white teas. Fresh cucumber pulp, a hints of sweet green melon or Asian pear, floral honeysuckle, and linden honey. Dewy, even. W2T describes it as whispy and bright, and I couldn’t agree more.
Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/C9swUYxu4I6/?img_index=1
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuQ0V3ZQeJc