
Tea type
Herbal Tea
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3 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I don’t really care much for mint flavours on their own. My colleagues drink this mint/liquorice root concoction that they claim is delicious. I disagree. You don’t even get the two flavours at the...” Read full tasting note
  • “A whirlwind run to see my mom-in-law + a somewhat extravagant lunch at Carrabba’s (we don’t have one locally, so we splurged) resulted in a very uncomfortable bout of travel tummy when we got home....” Read full tasting note

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3 Tasting Notes

1353 tasting notes

I don’t really care much for mint flavours on their own. My colleagues drink this mint/liquorice root concoction that they claim is delicious. I disagree. You don’t even get the two flavours at the same time. First it’s minty mint and then the liquorice root doesn’t come through until you swallow, which to me seems like trying to have two different sorts of tisanes at the same time. Like they couldn’t decide if they wanted one or the other. But that’s not what I’m having now so I’ll shut up about it.

As mentioned I don’t really care much for mint. I have it so I can mix it into other stuff.

But then, on days like these where I’ve apparently eaten something or other that I shouldn’t have, it’s the only sort of tea or approximation of tea* that I can stomach. The very idea of anything else, even my normal favourites just make me go bleeeeargh!

So I’m having plain peppermint infusion now. I’m not enjoying it really, but it’s the only thing I want.

*Herbal infusions are of course NOT tea. Herbal infusions never HAVE been tea. Herbal infusions never WILL be tea. Herbal infusions have never even as much as seen a tea bush and are therefore no more tea than cocoa is coffee.


I feel the same way about mint, but I have a tin of spearmint for those days where my stomach can’t handle full on tea and then I usually mix it with a cream-flavored black. Mint is more medicinal than happy.


I reserve my Moroccan Mint for when I’m feeling frazzled and need to hit the refresh button. Or the wake-up button. Or hit both buttons frantically until I break the machine and then go cry in the corner. It’s not for everyone, though.

Cynthia Carter

Mint by itself is kind of a one-hit wonder. Try mixing it with a green or black tea. You’ll still get a heady hit of freshness, but the tea will add a satisfying complexity.


Licorice root is better for coughs and sore throats I find, although apparently it’ll coat and soothe irritated digestive systems aswell.

Have you tried mixing in camomile with your peppermint?


Aug3zimm & Cynthia Carter: I’ll save those suggestions for later, when I’m feeling better. At the moment I can’t have tea primarily because I think my stomach would revolt against me, and secondarily because when I’m sick it just doesn’t taste good.

Takgoti: I’ve never had Moroccan Mint, but it pops up everywhere regularly. Maybe I should get around to trying it one of these days.

Jillian: I don’t have an chamomile at the moment, otherwise I’d totally try that. I’ve used liquorice root successfully before with sore throats, though. It might have been somewhat placebo, but as long as it works I don’t care if it’s psychosomatic or not. Just a small bit of parted lengthwise liquorice root in the cup, boiling water on and in combination with strepsils. That totally works.

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3011 tasting notes

A whirlwind run to see my mom-in-law + a somewhat extravagant lunch at Carrabba’s (we don’t have one locally, so we splurged) resulted in a very uncomfortable bout of travel tummy when we got home. My bloated belly begged (don’t you just love alliterations?) for a cup of straight-up steeped peppermint.

I grabbed the “unknown” handle for this review, as the leaves are from the unlabeled bulk section at our favorite indie grocery, but I think most of their stuff comes from Frontier Natural Products. At any rate, within 5 minutes of imbibing a double-steeped, double-leafed cup, things started settling down.

Check your cabinets, friends, and make sure you have a stock of plain unadulterated peppermint on hand. Cold and flu season is coming. (I can just hear you all groaning, Yes, dear…you sound like my mother. )

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