This is excellent tea if you don’t mind the flavor the tea takes from the bamboo. It has virtually not earthy flavor left. Just about all the fermentation flavor is gone from this tea. The main note of this tea however is bamboo. The other notes, sweet and a little fruity take a second fiddle to the bamboo. The bamboo flavor lasted strong until the fourth steep and then started to be replaced by sweet flavors, even berry notes. This tea is of course stored in bamboo. I think it is also roasted in bamboo but am unsure. This tea has also had a nice effect on me. While I would not use the phrase tea drunk, it has been pleasantly relaxing, not immediately but around the fifth steep.
I steeped this tea six times in a 200ml glass teapot with 8.2g leaf and boiling water. I steeped it for 10 sec, 10 sec, 15 sec, 20 sec, 30 sec, and 1 min. This was not an especially strong puerh but I would say it had a least 2 to 4 more steeps in it had I wanted to continue.
Flavors: Bamboo, Berry, Sweet
Looks neat