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Black Tea
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205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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From Tropical Tea Company

Ice Wine is made from a luxury black tea from Sri Lanka and has been blended with freezed dried grapes, luxury white tea, and Ontario Ice Wine. Ice Wine will brew a delicious, fresh, and piquant white grape flavor with hints of exotic fruit that pleasantly lingers on the tongue.

Background of this tea: Ice Wine is produced when the grape is frozen solid on the vine and harvested at a maximum temperature of negative 10 degeree celsius. The frozen grapes are then pressed and the result exudes aromas of apricot and honey with a fine balance between fruit flavors, sweetness, and acidity. Ice Wine ends up a golden color or deep rich amber and has a very sweet taste of apricot, peach, melon or other sweet fruits.

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2 Tasting Notes

185 tasting notes

Wow. So… I really want to write a good thorough review of this tea.

But I can’t. The first drink made me cringe. I tried a couple more sips so I could at least give it some attempt at a review. It tastes like artificially flavored powdered grape beverage, thrown in a blender with a stick of cherry lip balm and a pot of tea.

If I can say one good thing about this cup, it’s that they did not skimp on the flavorings for this brew. Unfortunately, those flavorings are terrible. Oh man would I avoid this if at all possible. I can only vaguely imagine a brew tasting worse.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

That sounds pretty brutal. I do like that you managed to find a silver lining though. Well played sir, well played.


LOL wow I didn’t mind it – was no where near as good as the one from Design a Tea though. I am sorry I feel bad I thought you would like it. LOL Wait was this a sample I sent you? Haha maybe I didn’t but I do have that as well and sent you samples recently – anyway – still feel bad either way – I think I rated it pretty good. Maybe it is due to not having real wine in over 4 almost 5 years now hummm I do miss wine … gotta get SOMETHING like it so I have to settle for this stuff. :)

Dylan Oxford

Nah, Azz, this one wasn’t one you had sent us a sample of. TropicalTeaCo actually sent it to us as a sample with our last order (in it’s own fairly useful in, interestingly enough). I’m glad you like it, I’ll check with Missy to see how much we have left of that sample. If there’s enough left to send to you, we may just do that, since we took a grand total of about 3 drinks between the two of us, and dumped out the pot.

Dylan Oxford

fairly useful TIN. Bah, too early, I’m uncaffeinated.


uhh ummm. I apologize Azz. We used the last of the sample to make the pot we dumped out. I do like the tiny tin. I think it will be handy for sample and/or taking tea on the go.


Oh its okay I am actually searching for a far better Iced Wine. I know we can find one! :) Thanks for thinking of me though! :)

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90 tasting notes

Very fruity aroma. Very perfume-y taste.

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